
Roymond Liao

Machine Learning Engineer / Deep Learning Engineer / Data Scientist



Yuyu are being a Data Engineer at Gogolook Inc. He has four years of experience in the field of data science. The main languages use Python and R. Also, has the passion for data analysis, machine learning and deep learning and through the process of understanding theory and practice with relevant research is used to solve various problems in products.

In addition, willing to learning the various tools in data engineering and system architecture, towards the field of data science to continue to learn and expand the knowledge.


  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Big Data
  • Sports Analysis
  • Data visualization


  • Master in Statistics, 2011

    Feng Chia University

  • Bachelor in Statistics, 2009

    Ming Chuan University

Recent Posts

keep writing and keep learning

[Paper-NLP] ALBERT: A Lite BERT for Self-supervised Learning of Language Representations

ALBERT 在 2017 年 Transformer 的誕生,突破了 RNN、LSTM、GRU … 等在計算上的限制,也帶來新的觀點,爾後再 2018 年底 Google 發表了 BERT: Pre-training of Deep …

[Paper-NLP] Is Word Segmentation Necessary for Deep Learning of Chinese Representations?

Chinese word segmentation (CWS) NLP 領域在近年的突破性發展,各項研究應用與相關論文不斷的推層出新,對於如何讓機器能更了解文章、句子所表達的內容,進而解決各項在 NLP 領域上的問題,在 OpenAI 近期推出的 GPT-3 …

Transformer Part 3 - Transformer

Transformer 拖延了很久,終於有時間拉把欠的部分補齊了,來講在 NLP 已經廣為人知的 Transformer。在開始介紹前先來附上 transformer 的結構,如下圖: Image credit: Lil's Log …

Transformer Part 2 - Attention

Attention Mechanism Attention 的概念在 2014 年被 Bahdanau et al. [Paper 1] 所提出,解決了 encoder-decoder 架構的模型在 decoder 必須依賴一個固定向量長度的 context …

Transformer Part 1 - Seq2Seq

一開始接觸 Attention Is All You Need 這篇論文是從 Kaggle Reading Group 這個 channel 開始,非常推薦可以跟著一起讀!! 主持人 Rachael Atman 本身是 Kaggle 的 Data Scientist,她 …



Data Engineer


May 2019 – Present Taipei

Data analyst

果實夥伴 (OneAD)

Mar 2017 – May 2019 Taipei

Responsibilities include:

  • Data ETL workflow
  • Cross device matching
  • User retention rate
  • Recommender system
  • Demographic prediction

Data analyst


Mar 2016 – Jan 2017 Taipei

Responsibilities include:

  • Sales forecast system
  • Seasonal product analysis
  • Sales rankings and sales volume correlation analysis

Data analyst

Cheetah Mobile

Jul 2014 – Feb 2016 Taipei

Responsibilities include:

  • User feedback automation response system
  • User feedback analysis and classification system
  • Data visualization platform
